I have been researching information about the healthcare (excuse me, the health reform) bill. First, it is difficult to get information that is not infused with opinion, and much misinformation. For example, I googled pros and cons for health care bill and was led to ask.com. A person asked that very question and was given (the #1 answer) that stated there were no benefits. obviously a skewed, opinionated reply. AARP published an article about the bill and stated that illegal immigrants would be covered by the bill. This is absolutely untrue! Those were the first two sources I looked at. Not good odds.
I am watching several news stations and each show people at town hall events screaming their displeasure about the bill. They are loud, misinformed and reluctant to listen to any real information. They voice their OPINION and then scream that they are leaving. I am curious, do they have insurance? I can bet that if their child was sick and, they did not have insurance, their opinion would be very different. They should focus on the FACT that 1/6 people in the United States does not have healthcare.
The bill is a CHOICE for the American people. Right now, when someone loses their job they do not have the choice to go to the doctor or hospital without risking their investments such as their home or children's college education. The bill does NOT force people to accept the government insurance. Furthermore, if it is less expensive than the highly profitable insurance companies, it may bring down the cost of those policies. currently, the health insurance companies (motivated by profits) control our health care. It is a fact of life. Someone else will be controlling the health care of Americans. Would you rather have a private company who is solely motivated by profits to control your choices or have the CHOICE of an ADDITIONAL plan controlled by the government who must answer to voters. Americans currently do not have any choice. We can only get insurance from for-profit-only companies. Free will is nothing without choice. I want choice. I agree that this bill needs some tweaking. However, the tweaking does not involve eliminating the option of a government plan.
I love the conflict but hate the animosity and provincial attitudes. However, there are rules for holding a controlled meeting where everyone is allowed to voice their opinion and then an answer delivered. Respect and a common appreciation for other's rights to voice their opinion is common sense. That is democracy. Democracy is not screaming and disrupting meetings so the facts and opinions cannot be heard.
Some say this contention is not right. We forget that in 1789 there was this same contention when our forefathers were tryng to determine the form of government we would follow for the life of our new country. The federalist/anti-federalist argument is legendary and had a far-reacing impact on the United States of America, just like the health care reform bill.