Saturday, August 22, 2009


Abdelbeset Ali Mohmen al Megrahi was recently released by Scottish Authorities on the grounds that the Scottish "justice system demands that judgment be imposed but compassion [be] available" (CNN 8/22/09). I have a question, Did al Megrahi have compassion for the people on the plane he destroyed? Did he give them a few extra months to live? Did he have compassion to the relatives of the deceased and give them a compassionate stay to spend time with their cherished ones?

I do not believe in vengeance. However, I do believe in justice. Sometimes there are secret deals are made that are not made public. I only hope that if a secret deal was made, other people have been spared the horrors of suddenly losing family and friends to terrorist activities. I could reluctantly accept al Megrahi's release under those conditions.

However, by releasing the beast, Scotland has undermined the validity of the Western World's combined Justice systems. The USA, England, France and our allies are now viewed as laughing stocks in terrorist hot spots. It's similar to the teacher who states, "If you throw that spit ball, I am going to give you detention". When the recalcitrant student arrives to serve his detention time, the teacher tells him , "never mind, go home". The student has learned that his ill intentioned deed is not really so bad and is likely to try it again.

This is common sense. There has to be more to this story.

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