People are posting their labor and birth experiences via twitter, facebook and their blogs. Is this a case of TMI?
Let's be practical. A digital communicator has to make a personal decision whether or not they want to view/read a certain piece. O.K. If you don't want to see/read it, don't click. There, that was easy.
Then, a digital communicator has to make a decision whether or not they want to share a piece of information. If it is personal, it is up to them whether or not they want other people to see it. It is their decision. If you don't want to share it with the world, don't. There, that was easy.
Furthermore, isolation is a form of punishment. Correctional facilities consider solitary confinement as a punitive action. In today's world when we are so busy and see people but rarely talk about our own hopes, dreams and feelings, blogs, twitter and other social networking sites are a way to allay loneliness and isolation. I cheer on the folks who choose to broadcast their beautiful childbirth experiences. That is something natural and beautiful and should not be considered sacrosanct. Also, if you need an outlet to voice your feelings, blog, tweet and publish. I know, it is therapeutic.
Yes, I believe some people may be going to far with personal information but I also believe we are nascent digital communicators. We will evolve and learn some things should be kept private. If you don't like their/my opinions/personal experiences, click the X in the upper right corner of your screen.
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